Archiv der Kategorie: Theatre

Film „COMET“

Views: 32

This project by choreographer Barbara Bess was first planned as an outdoor performance during the pandemic summer 2021. It became a visually stunning film. Six days of intense shooting day and night with a limited budget and a small group of people. Afterwards months of postproduction with film editing, music and sound production.

In the end the film turned into a surreal trip with four protagonists in search of their own stories of development. Their paths cross, but somehow they are still alone in this world, connected and at the same time separated by their stories. Viewers report they understand the plot more emotionaly than intellectually and that they are deeply touched by it but can´t exactly explain why.

For me it was a project close to my heart as I already did the sound and music for several of Barbara´s dance theater pieces. I really like her work of free performances and her strong audio-visual imagination.

Many of the sound fx were collected during and around the shooting days and areas. The voices of Cary Shiu and Lena Schattenberg, electromagnetic recordings of wind power plants, a horse, mud, wind, a double bass on the original shooting site etc…

Here is the film in full length. Use the password: Comet_22
Enjoy! (Headphones or a proper speaker highly recommended!)

Director / Choreographer:
Barbara Bess
Director / Editor:
Johannes Felder
Music / Sound Design:
Lars Fischer
Johannes Felder, Sebastian Authenrieth

Filmmusik „Becoming“

Views: 45

Filmmusik für 45 Minuten Film „Becoming“ von Choreographin Barbara Bess. Hier als Kurzversion.

Ursprünglich als Tanzstück für die Bühne konzipiert, wurde es aufgrund der Pandemie als Film umgesetzt.
Ein sehr schönes Projekt, bei dem ich sehr viel ausprobieren konnte. Poetisch, surreal, fast psychedelisch.
5.1 Dolby Surround.

Soundengineer at Staatstheater/Opera/ Nuernberg

Views: 234

verm_opernhaus KopieUK

Klangkollektor worked as a sound-engineer from Nov 2014 – Jun 2015 at the Staatstheater/Opera Nuernberg.

Made Sounds and production on the following plays:
Quietly, Alle lieben George, Die Schmutzigen Hände, Die lächerliche Finsternis

Hosting the following plays:
Singing in the Rain,Aus Liebe,The Effect,Alle Lieben George,Die Schmutzigen Hände, Quietly, Die lächerliche Finsternis, Am Schwarzen See, Der Hässliche, König Roger,
Der frühe Hase fängt die Axt, Boheme

by Klangkollektor