Views: 21

music/sounddesign for a big internal event of Siemens in 2023.
soundalike of O•V•E•R•W•E•R•K
Views: 62
Musik und Sound Design. Sprecher: Reiner Schöne
Nicht ganz Soundalike, aber orientiert am Hit einer Band namens Awolnation.
Views: 289
Ringtone for Siemens Energy.
Soundalike from Loreen (Grand Prix 2012).
Vocals by WrongKong´s Cyrena Dunbar.
Views: 212
Soundalike for an internal spot of Novartis. New english lyrics.
by Klangkollektor
Views: 244
Soundalike somehow like pop-produced „Gipys Kings“.
Used for a shortfilm named „Spanische Bananen“
Guitars by Hannes Hümmer
Views: 627 for new Siemens Group Infrastructure & Cities. Inspired by the music group T*I*M*I*D**T*I*G*E*R* song *D*O*W*N*T*O*W*N*C*I*T*Y*L*I*G*H*T*S*.
The lovely guitars are done by good ol friend Hannes Hümmer.