Views: 101
Trailer für meinen geliebten Kulturverein „Hemdendienst“ .
Entstanden während des Lockdowns Frühjahr 2020.
Inspiriert von den wahnwitzigen japanischen Schwarzenegger Commercials.
Views: 101
Trailer für meinen geliebten Kulturverein „Hemdendienst“ .
Entstanden während des Lockdowns Frühjahr 2020.
Inspiriert von den wahnwitzigen japanischen Schwarzenegger Commercials.
Views: 94
Klangkollektor does not need any instruments for having fun in making music!
Only his voice and a looper app.
Views: 191
Music for a childrens audioplay.
This track i made with Steve Wühr for my class in university nuernberg.
We made it in ping-pong technique. I did a track, Steve did a track, i did a track….
Most of it was acapella.
Views: 281
A sinus-wave waterfall.
Made together with Leber-Ingenieure, Tibor Klingen and british experimental musician Cameron Deas at the Hemdendienst in Nürnberg.
Views: 591
Klangkollektor made Kontakt libraries of the circuit bended Yamaha PS 400 and the Yamaha PSS 6.
Each patch contains rhythmical loops of circuit bended sounds, which can be layered and combined with each other.
All recorded at 24bit/96kHz.
Send a message if you are interested.
And here is a example what is possible:
Views: 265
Soundinstallation together with Hans-Christian Fuss.
With contact mics, a Arturia Minibrute and a Vermona Retroverb we created an old-school-videogame-sounding
ping pong experience.